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Integrating Your Social Wall into an email (Newsletter)
Integrating Your Social Wall into an email (Newsletter)

How to embed your Display in an email.

Sarah Nünlist avatar
Written by Sarah Nünlist
Updated over a week ago

You can easily integrate your Social Wall directly into a newsletter. In the following article, we will show you how to do that.

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Important Information about the Display Design

Please note that for the integration into newsletters, your personalized Display design cannot be applied due to technical reasons. Currently, there is one design template available for newsletter integration. It looks like this:

  • The Display always showcases 5 contents, with one of them being twice as large as the others. The largest content is always the third in the sequence.

  • Each content of the Display is directly linked to its source. When a user clicks on a certain image, the original source will open (e.g., a post on Instagram).

Preparing your Display and getting the code

1. First, prepare the contents that you want to integrate into the newsletter in your Dashbaord. If you want the content to remain the same specifically for a newsletter, we recommend using storyboxes. Learn how to create a Storybox here.

2. Once you're ready, select the display that you want to use for your newsletter. Although the design cannot be applied to the newsletter, we recommend creating a dedicated display where you will be saving the different integrations for various newsletters. This way, you can easily manage and recall your integrations for each newsletter.

3. Click on "Share" in the middle of the Dashboard to navigate to the Share menu. When you are in the Share menu, create your Display integration with the desired content. Click on "+Display Content" on the right side of your Dashboard to get started.

4. A pop-up window will appear. Give your integration a easily recognizable name and select the desired content filter from the drop-down menu if you have been working with story boxes, for example. Then, click on "Save".

5. Now click on "HTML-only version" on the left side of your dashboard. After the drop-down menu appears, select "Mail". Please make sure that you have selected the correct display content integration on the right side of your Dashboard.

6. If you have selected the correct integration and the desired content appears in the preview, click on "Get the code".

7. A pop-up window with the integration code will open. Click on "Copy" to copy the code to your clipboard.

8. Paste the code into your e-mail. The exact process may vary depending on the email provider. In the following section, we will provide an example using Mailchimp.

Embbeding your Social Wall in Mailchimp (example)

In this section, we will guide you through the process of embedding your contentfry Display in your Mailchimp emails as an example.

1. When editing your email template in Mailchimp, select "Blocks" and find the block "Code".

2. Drag the block into your email template and paste the contentfry code into the HTML box in Mailchimp, replacing the existing code example.

3. The Display will now be shown in your email. Click on "Save & Close" to complete the integration.

4. Congrats, your Display has been successfully embedded! 🎉

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