This article helps you locate resources that guide you through deleting various types of data, including content, personal data, and Social Network connections.
As a Registered User and Team Member
Deleting your personal contentfry account: This guide assists if you wish to delete your personal contentfry along with all associated personal data.
Deleting your contentfry team: This guide assists if you wish to delete your personal contentfry along with it's content and data.
Deleting collected content from the platform: This guide helps administrators of a Contentfry team remove content from the platform.
As a Former User
Using Public Data Deletion Request Pages: This guide is for former registered users who no longer have a contentfry account and want to request data deletion for their connected Social Network Accounts.
As an External Partner or Contributor
Revoking Your Social Network Connection: These guides are for contributors who no longer wish to share their content with a team and want to delete their established connection.