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Managing your "Team" on contentfry
Managing your "Team" on contentfry

How to transfer a Team, change the name of a Team, and delete a Team.

Sarah Nünlist avatar
Written by Sarah Nünlist
Updated over a week ago

A Team is like an account. Each team has an owner and members with different roles, allowing them to access and manage various projects in different Rooms. Upon logging into contentfry, you will land on the contentfry dashboard. From here, you can access the different Rooms or your Team Settings.

💡Learn how to use and manage your Rooms here.

Team Settings

The Team Settings is where you manage your Team. Here, you can add members, manage your subscription, rename your team, or transfer ownership to a new owner.

In your Team Settings, you'll find different tabs for various aspects of your team management.

Click on the links below each topic to jump directly to the related Help Center article.



API Tokens

  • Create and manage your contentfry API Tokens

External Accounts



  • Insights of your Team's Display Usage

What's next

  • Do you want to manage the settings of your personal Contentfry profile? Learn how to do it here.

  • Do you want to change or cancel your subscription? View our Help Center article on Billing here.

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